Ladybird Day Nursery
Baby, Toddler Pre-School Nursery From 6 Months to 5 Years old.
Ladybird is now open for all children
Please contact us if you require childcare
Please call us on 0208 741 3399
Email us at
Ladybird Day Nursery have been established
since 1991 and provide a healthy, safe, caring and friendly environment for day
The nursery provides a place in which the children are happy and secure and
where parents can maintain an integral part in their child’s ongoing
Experienced, qualified and caring staff will ensure that your child has a
positive and happy experience that will prove an invaluable head start for
Ladybird Day Nursery, provide a healthy, safe, caring, and friendly, secure
environment for day care, provided by Experienced & Qualified Caring staff.
Westbourne Grove, Shepherds Bush, Acton, Chiswick, Hammersmith and other areas.
Parents work in Local Business's.
277 Goldhawk Rd, London, W12 8EU
Phone: 020 8741 3399